This December the multidisciplinary collective of creative scope Col·lec, prepare installation "A human essence" in the framework of the exhibition+ Humans at the CCCB, which works on the concept of "what makes us human "and" how could the fact be aware of the possibilities and limitations of our body. The School of Design ESDi collaborated in its realization and exhibition will be open from 22 to 27 December. In addition, the same 22 December Col·lec members will make public presentation of the project and the CCCB ESDi offers 12 free tickets to attend only need to register in the following form. You can only secure place for students. The objectives of this group of future designers rely on to create a network of inter-university exchange knowledge and experiences and multi foster professional ties among students and become a bridge between the company and the university. The student of ESDi Oriol Targa represents our school and students are also from Bau, Eina, Massana and Elisava. Also, remember that CCCBB offers students and graduates of ESDi 2 x 1 (two tickets for the price of one) for the exhibition + Human valid for December and January, presenting the attached. 2x1-humans-desembre-gener.pdf