During the 19º edition of the CODIC Awards for Final Projects, organized by the Col·legi Oficial de Dissenyadors d’Interiors i Decoradors de Catalunya, the ESDi alumni Alba Alaminos was distinguished with the third place due to her project Skyline Flyght School, centered on the development of an international school for pilots in the Sabadell Aeroport. With its focus in “furthering the general wellbeing through the humanization of the learning space”, the project analyzed the properties of the different teaching and coexistence spaces of the collective, and proposed the rehabilitation of the Gorina Tower as the school’s social building, the potentiation of its garden and the revalorization of the annexed builing as a formation zone. Conjunction of technology, nature and education, Alaminos’ proposed work, considered one of the best interior designs by students belonging to design schools in Catalonia, links interior and exterior with glassed corridors and classes that expose the sky and the wooded are in the precinct.