"Ordinario" project by David Vera and "type-ish.com your lettering source" by Sofia Dezaki, both ESDi graduates in graphic design; and "Made to be seen" by Oscar Boix, "Eficook" by Pol Mas and "View Sound" by Damià Armengol, design graduates in audiovisual itinerary, have been selected by the students Laus Awards 2015. This means that the jury has chosen them among all the projectes and they can win a Laus medal: Laus Bronze, Laus Silver, Laus Gold and Grand Laus. "type-ish.com your lettering source" by Sofia Dezaki "Ordinario", project by David Vera The Laus Awards are organized by the Association of Graphic Designers and Art Directors of FAD (ADG-FAD). The ADG is a private non-profit statewide. For fifty years, aims to promote graphic design and visual communication in cultural and economic life of the country.